Sciatica nerve pain can be acute and severe and should be attended immediately for reduction in the severity. As the occurrence of pain changes from person to person, it is important to find the root cause of the ailment. Sciatica treatment differs from person to person. Hence, it is important to first diagnose the cause by observing the symptoms as experienced by a patient. Treatment involves use of medication and exercises. Exercise is the best natural way to reduce the development of pain. They provide relief by eliminating the stress that is developed in the lower back portion, legs and toes.
Let us talk about physical therapy as sciatica treatment. These are performed to increase strength, stretch muscles that are experiencing tension and recondition the entire effected area. Regular exercises that contain effective postures and aerobics will reduce the pain within short period of time. This action will also prevent occurrence of the ailment in the future. Recovery is important to carry out regular activities of life without any trouble. Keeping a track record of the changes in the physical behavior will be helpful for the patient to find the root cause with ease. MR Neurography can also be performed for more accurate results.
Sciatica treatment emphasizes on three important factors when it comes to physical therapy.
1. Strengthening exercises:
It is important to increase the strength of the muscles located in the lower region of the body. All the supporting ligaments and tendons will improve the spinal column region preventing the compression. Many of the exercises involve backward positioning postures that also strengthen muscles of abdomen, buttocks and hip region. They form the core muscles and have a lasting effect in curing sciatica.
2. Stretching exercises:
Stretching exercises are preferred to alleviate sciatica. These exercises target every single muscle present in the region. Stress levels are reduced and there is an increase in flexibility parameter of the muscles.
3. Aerobic exercises:
Low impact aerobic exercises are advised to patients. Most of them contain cardiovascular exercises. Aerobic improves the exchange of nutrients and fluids for a better healing atmosphere inside the body.
Sciatica treatment should be carried out under the guidance of a therapist. Specific exercises will depend on the symptoms described the patient. The level of pain and overall physical condition is also taken into account before particular postures are described. Regular exercises will improve the condition and decrement in sciatica pain.